速報APP / 個人化 / Find My Phone

Find My Phone





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



Find My Phone(圖1)-速報App

If you have ever lost a phone in your room, bag, desk or car and you couldn't find it; Find My Phone is just for you.

locate my phone detects sounds similar to whistling and then informs you about the location of your lost phone. You only have to whistle and your phone will start vibrating, emitting a loud sound and shining a bright camera light of the phone. This way you can quickly locate your lost phone!

Sifitich has created an amazing phone finder app with unique algorithm that identifies your whistle sound and responds to it with a predefined sound which ultimately leads you to the device location.

it does not respond to clap so it is not clap to find phone app.

Find My Phone(圖2)-速報App

How many of us forget our phones on silent mode and leave the phone in the most unusual places. Later, we get frustrated over not being able to find our phone. Here comes the solution to these problems. This Whistle phone locator app will help you to find your phone very easily and quickly in a fun way.

Find My Phone - A phone finder app has following features:

• Easy to use.

• Whistle sensitivity level improved

Find My Phone(圖3)-速報App

• Once activated than no need to check again

• It is not my location app

• It is kind of find my android

It’s the best mobile finder app that you can find in android market. So why wait just download now the updated phone locator app that that runs well in all Android versions.

Find My Phone(圖4)-速報App

Important! Please whistle clearly and quite loudly. The effectiveness of whistle detection depends on built-in microphone and number of noises and sounds of surrounding.

Happy Phone Finding!!!

Find My Phone(圖5)-速報App